Business tools

small paper bag

Craft eco bag

A paper bag with flat handles - durable, convenient, and what is most important eco-friendly type of packing with a capacity of 3 kilos. The bag is made of softwood pulp which is biodegradable and doesn't contaminate the environment. This bag can be used as gift packaging due to its stylish design and is suitable for any occasion. Carry care!  

size: 230*180*80 mm
made in Russia

0.40 BYN
!Can be paid with the Gift account
!Out of stock

Craft paper bag is an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags and just as strong and useful. Choosing this paper bag means taking care of the environment. It is made of long-fibre pine cellulose, which completely decomposes without affecting the environment.


  • Those, who take care of nature.
  • Those, who are concerned about the planet's future.
  • Those, who appreciate stylish design.
  • Those, who love craft goods.
  • eco-friendly packaging for those, who care about the environment;
  • as strong as any plastic bag; fits in up to 5 kilos of weight;
  • reusable;
  • recyclable;
  • decomposes within a few months, doesn't affect the environment.

Pine cellulose.

Use for carrying things and as gift wrapping.

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